MyBrainPacer™ Application Disclaimer:
  1. "MyBrainPacer™" is an application intended to help people manage their symptoms after a concussion or mild brain injury, when returning to everyday activities.
  2. This application is not intended to replace professional advice or medical assessment. If you believe that you have or may have a concussion or brain injury, please seek appropriate medical attention.
  3. It should be noted that excessive screen time may increase your concussion or brain injury symptoms. Consider limiting your screen time to manage your symptoms.
  4. The producers and developers of this application are not liable for any potential worsening of symptoms due to use of this application.
  5. This application is intended and available for download and use within Canada only. MyBrainPacer™ developers and Lawson Health Research Institute researchers are not responsible for any download or use outside of Canada, by any means.
  6. By downloading this application, you agree to allow Lawson Health Research Institute researchers to use your de-identified symptom and activity information to inform concussion research as outlined in the Letter of Information.
  7. By downloading this application you agree to MyBrainPacer™ Terms of Use.
  8. If you do not agree to these terms, you can find alternative symptom management information at